Our Project

Gyumri Project Hope [GPH] was born from the Depopulation research conducted by the Kololian Foundation. Through this research it was found that Gyumri has experienced the highest level of depopulation out of any city in the Republic of Armenia [RA]. Based off this single fact, we decided action needed to be taken.

The first phase is Feasibility Study. By conducting a feasibility study GPH will develop a true understanding of what is needed and what is feasible and this can only be achieved through systematic approach in creating a high-quality Feasibility Plan based on international standards, incorporating input from citizens and officials who live and work in Gyumri and the Shirak region.

We believe by leveraging already existing possibilities and experience in the provided sectors, we will be able to start the process of urban renewal within the city. Our hope is that this renewal will call the city’s citizenry back to their home, while also bringing new people and entities to the city.

To successfully complete this study and to create a social-economic development plan for Gyumri GPH selected professional research teams of different sectors (Infrastructure, Tourism, Architecture and Historic preservation).

These teams will be working over the next 10 months to prepare research for their selected area via various methods including, but not limited to, focus groups, surveying, reviewing of previous/current urban renewal projects in Gyumri, and consultation with public and private stakeholders. After this research is completed, our team will analyze all gathered data to compile one report, which will be made public. Once the Feasibility Study is complete (December, 2016), projects will be launched in co-operation with private industry and international organizations, where people from Gyumri will play leading roles.

GPH mission is to restore hope for Gyumri’s future by creating long-term sustainable economic development initiatives through a collaborative, comprehensive, and regional approach.

GPH measures the impact and success of identified projects by the following principles:

  • Economic Sustainability
  • Local Stakeholder Involvement
  • Multiplier effect
  • Maximization of existing efforts

For more information, please visit www.depop.am and the “Gyumri” section of our site.